Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013

Kusarigama by Yukselisi Ninjutsu Club

Kusarigama atau yang dikenal juga dengan kusarikama adalah merupakan gabungan dari dua senjata yaitu kusari (rantai) dan kama (semacam alat pertanian untuk memanen padi atau menebas rumput ilalang). Kusarigama adalah salah satu materi yang diajarkan dalam keilmuan beladiri YUNIC INDONESIA.

Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013

Dokumentasi YUNIC INDONESIA , Solo / Surakarta

Siswa YUNIC Solo / Surakarta
Penyematan Sabuk Merah Elemen Logam


Serah Terima dan penyematan sabuk hitam wuxing ryu YUNIC INDONESIA 

Ceremonial penyematan sabuk

Ceremonial penyematan sabuk

Dokumentasi Marapiyama

Dokumentasi ketika melaksanakan latihan bersama di kawasan gunung Marapi , Sumatera Barat.....
Nice view after all.....
Berlatih untuk menyempurnakan keilmuan beladiri YUNIC INDONESIA

Video Latihan


History of Yukselisi Ninjutsu Club Indonesia

Every single nation has its own methods of selfdefense, some teach wisdom and some others are trainned effective way to elliminate the enemy. This legend started when Indonesia had a struggle for their liberation... a special force called Pasukan Alap Alap was created by a few people who love their country. They move like a shadow, undetected, elliminate their enemy fastly with no track left behind
This special skills has rise again in the hand of an ex indonesian elite special force army and then continues in the hand of two young guys who mix it later has became a new effective modern skill, begin with 5 elements skill adapted from ancient kungfu this martial art became deadly and so effective. This 5 elements skill can be learned by them who is choosen
Five elements of ninja... fire,metal,wood,earth, and water.
They called wuxing ryu clan ,using the ancient Moshuh Nanren methods .Wuxing ryu inherited the legend of Moshuh Nanren , ancient chinese warriors of the chinese emperor who was expert for skills of disguise, martial art, weapons ,etc